Uk - Vietnam Science and Innovation Partnership Newsletter – Issue 4

FIVE NEW NEWTON PROJECTS ANNOUNCED. The programme aims at institutional capacity building for Vietnamese research organisations through training activities, exchange of knowledge & best practice and pilot activities in a specific subject. Four of five projects granted this round focus on digital innovation as a tool to address hot social issues in Vietnam.
- “Towards Risk Reduction and Resilience to Coastal Hazards: A Big Data Analytics Approach” project by Thuy Loi University and Queen’s University Belfast.
- “Gas Sensors for Biomedical and Environmental Applications in Smart Cities and Agriculture in Vietnam: Towards a Vietnamese Centre of Nanoscience” project by The Research Laboratories of Saigon High Tech Park and the University of York.
- “Network of Excellence and Hi-Tech Hub for Vietnam's Industry 4.0 via the UK-VN collaborations in Smart Manufacturing” project by Le Quy Don Technical University and University of Greenwich.
- “Building Public Health Resilience in Vietnam: An Early Warning System using Artificial Intelligence” project by Hanoi University of Public Health and Queen’s University Belfast.
- “Circular Economy Knowledge Hub: Promoting Multi-Disciplinary Research, Capacity Building and Leadership” project by School of Environmental Science and Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology and Aston University.
NEWS AND UPDATES from October to December 2019: click here